About the Department

Department of Physics, Cotton University (Erstwhile Cotton College) was one of the few Departments with which Cotton University started its epic journey in 1901. It was the first Department in Cotton College, where Post Graduate Course was introduced under Gauhati University in 1969. The Department of Physics is the pioneer research actibities since inception in this part of the country. Prominent Scholars like Dr. H. C. Bhuyan, Dr. G. C. Deka, Dr. K. D. Krori and Dr. K. M. Pathak carried out their research works in this Department. Physics Department has received the financial assistance from DST, Govt. of India under its “Fund for Infrastructure Development in Science and Technology in Higher Education."

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Head of the Department

Recent Publications

  • Rasna Baruah, Dikshit Mahanta, Bhargab Boruah, Anannya Bordoloi, A Banerjee, A Barthakur, J. J. Das1, V. M. Datar, S. S. Ghugre, R Raut, P. C. Rout, S. Santra, G C Wary, A differentially pumped windowless gas target for FRENA and BARC-TIFR PLF , Board of Research in Nuclear Sciences Department of Atomic Energy , vol.68, [2024]

  • Bhargab Boruah, Rasna Baruah, Monuj Gogoi, Hritik Gogoi, A Barthakur, M Baro, Raffaele Buompane, S Cristallo, J J Das1, V M Datar, J Gehlot, Lucio Gialanella, Gonika, C Massimi, S Nath, B K Nayak, M Patgiri, P C Rout, S Santra, D Vescovi and G C Wary1, Developments for performing the 16O(n,α)13C reaction using HIRA, Board of Research in Nuclear Sciences Department of Atomic Energy , vol.68, [2024]

  • Sagardeep Talukdar Riki Dutta Gautam Kumar Saharia and Sudipta Nandy , Systematic soliton shape modulation by engineering superposed plane wave and soliton parameters, Chaos: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Nonlinear Science, AIP , vol.34, [2024], https://doi.org/10.1063/5.0218438

  • M. Dutta, J.M. Kalita, G. Wary, Study of Concentration Quenching and Energy Transfer Mechanism in Ce Doped Y2O3 Nanomaterials, Journal of Fluorescence , [2024], https://doi.org/10.1007/s10895-024-03836-0

  • J.M. Kalita, M.L. Chithambo, Probing the electron trap-depth distribution in Sr4Al14O25:Eu2+,Dy3+, Journal of Luminescence , vol.265, 120245, [2024], https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jlumin.2023.120245

  • Partha P. Sarma, Basanta K. Rajbongshi, Jiban J. Das, Jaidev Harjwani, Mridula Baro, Facile fabrication of functional poly (para-phenylenediamine) nanotubes using self-degraded methyl orange template, Synthetic Metals , vol.306, [2024], https://doi.org/10.1016/j.synthmet.2024.117633

  • J.M. Kalita, Samasis Dev Sarma, Study of blue-light emission properties of WO3:Eu microstructures, Ceramics International , vol.50, 7067-7076, [2024], https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ceramint.2023.12.064

  • Gautam Kumar Saharia, Sagardeep Talukdar; Riki Dutta; Hiren Deka and Sudipta Nandy , Data driven multi soliton solutions of the Fokas‑Lenells equation using conservation laws in PINN, Journal of Optics, Springer , [2024], https://doi.org/10.1007/s12596-024-01831-z

  • M. Dutta, J.M. Kalita, G. Wary, Optical properties of blue-light-emitting Y2O3:Ce nanophosphor for solid-state lighting application, Luminescence , vol.39, e4718, [2024], https://doi.org/10.1002/bio.4718

  • Jigyas Das, J.M. Kalita, Sensitivity of ZnO film-based X-ray sensors: a comprehensive study on the effect of thickness of ZnO layer, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces , vol.16, 21328–21340, [2024], https://doi.org/10.1021/acsami.4c01791

  • J.M. Kalita, M.L. Chithambo, Phosphorescence of beta irradiated Sr4Al14O25:Eu2+,Dy3+ ─a persistent luminescence phosphor, Journal of Luminescence , vol.272, 120664, [2024], https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jlumin.2024.120664

  • Manash Kalita, J.M. Kalita, Luminescence Dynamics of BaAl2O4:Eu2+ Phosphor, Journal of Fluorescence , [2024], https://doi.org/10.1007/s10895-024-03759-w

  • Nabajyoti Pandit , A. Barthakur, Rasna Baruah, M. Baro, P. Barua, J.J. Das, V.M. Datar, S.S. Ghugre, M. Patgiri, P.C. Rout, C.P. Safvan, S. Santra, G.C. Wary, A differentially pumped windowless charge exchange cell (CEC) for investigating Positive Ion Mass Spectrometry (PIMS), Nuclear Inst. and Methods in Physics Research, A , vol.Dec 2024, 169913, [2024], https://doi.org/10.1016/j.nima.2024.169913

  • Sudipta Nandy, (Invited)Nonlinear Schrödinger equation: Autonomous and nonautonomous soliton, Optik (Elsevier) , vol. 287 , [2023], https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijleo.2023.171035

  • Jigyas Das, JM Kalita, Saturating current characteristic of 120 μm thick ZnO film and its X-ray sensing features, Materials Science in Semiconductor Processing , vol.164, 107642, [2023], https://doi.org/10.1016/j.mssp.2023.107642

  • Sudipta Nandy, Fokas-Lenells equation dark soliton and gauge equivalent spin equation, Optical and Quantum Electronics, Springer , vol.55, 1-17, [2023], https://doi.org/10.1007/s11082-023-05460-x

  • Sagardeep Talukdar, Riki Dutta, Gautam Kumar Saharia and Sudipta Nandy, Multi soliton solutions of the Fokas-Lenells equation using modified Bilinear method and Conservation laws, Journal of Optics, Springer , [2023], 10.1007/s12596-023-01523-0

  • Manash Kalita, J.M. Kalita, Anomalous bluish-green light emitting features of europium doped barium aluminate (BaAl2O4:Eu2+) phosphor, Materials Today Communications , vol.36, 106782, [2023], https://doi.org/10.1016/j.mtcomm.2023.106782

  • Jigyas Das, J.M. Kalita, Ronald P. Koushik, X-ray sensing characteristics of a spin-coated n-ZnO film, Sensors and Actuators A: Physical , vol.350, 114142, [2023], https://doi.org/10.1016/j.sna.2022.114142

  • N. J. Pandit, A. Barthakur, J. J. Das, P. Barua, T. Varughese, S. K. Saini, A. Jhingan, C. P. Safvan, M. Patgiri, M. Baro,, Status of the dierentially 445 pumped gas cell for investigating charge exchange processes in positive ion mass spectrometry (PIMS),, Proceedings of the DAE Symposium on Nuclear Physics , vol.67, 12931294, [2023]

  • J.M. Kalita, M.L. Chithambo, Phototransferred thermoluminescence characteristics of microcline (KAlSi3O8) under 470 nm blue- and 870 nm infrared-light illumination, Applied Radiation and Isotopes , vol.181, 110070, [2022], https://doi.org/10.1016/j.apradiso.2021.110070

  • J.M. Kalita, Ş. Kaya-Keleş, G.Ö. Çakal, N. Meriç, G.S. Polymeris, Thermoluminescence and optically stimulated luminescence of colemanite-rich borate mineral, Journal of Luminescence , vol.242, 118580, [2022], https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jlumin.2021.118580

  • M.L. Chithambo, A.J. Lontsi Sob, J.M. Kalita, Light-induced inter-electron-trap charge movement in annealed Al2O3:C,Mg, Physica B: Condensed Matter , vol.624, 413438, [2022], https://doi.org/10.1016/j.physb.2021.413438

  • J.M. Kalita, M.L. Chithambo, Thermally-assisted optically stimulated luminescence from deep electron traps in microcline, Radiation Measurements , vol.154, 106786, [2022], https://doi.org/10.1016/j.radmeas.2022.106786

  • M.L. Chithambo, J.M. Kalita, N.M. Trindade, Processes related to phototransfer under blue- and green-light illumination in annealed Al2O3:C,Mg, Journal of Applied Physics , vol.131, 245101 , [2022], https://doi.org/10.1063/5.0094547

  • J J Das*, A. Barthakur, M. Baro, D Barooah, A. K. Nath, M. Patgiri, D. Sarma and G. C. Wary, S Santra, P C Rout, MH M. M. Devi, B Lalremruata, L Borah: Department of Life Sciences, Nagaland University, Kohima, R Brahma, K. Kalita, K. Boruah, G Devi, N. Ni, The dream North Eastern Accelerator Facility: R & D efforts by CUPAC NE Collaboration, Proceedings of the DAE-BRNS symposium on nuclear physics , vol.66, [2022]

  • D. Saikia, M. Baro, M. M. Devi, S S Ghugre , A. Barthakur , J.J. Das , A. Nath, M Patgiri, D. Sarma , G. C. Wary , K. Boruah , B. Jyrwa , N. Nimai Singh , P. C. Rout , Rajarshi Raut , S. Santra , V. M. Datar , S. Sharma , P Kalita, S Goswami, Design of Beam Shaping Assembly (BSA) for Accelerator Driven Boron Neutron Capture Therapy (AD- BNCT), Proceedings of the DAE Symp. on Nucl. Phys , vol.66, 1160, [2022]

  • N. Pandit, G.C. Wary, A. Barthakur, J.J. Das, M. Patgiri, D. Sarma, P.C. Rout, S. Santra, V.M. Datar , C.P. Safvan , B.K. Nayak , S. Ghugre, Design status of the differentially pumped gas cell for Positive Ion Mass Spectrometry (PIMS), Proceedings of the DAE Symp. on Nucl. Phys. , vol.66, 1172, [2022]

  • J.M. Kalita, M.L. Chithambo, Concerning a hole trap in α-Al2O3:C,Mg, Journal of Applied Physics , vol.132, 015103, [2022], https://doi.org/10.1063/5.0092064

  • S Nandy, GK Saharia, S Talukdar, R Dutta, R Mahanta, Even and odd nonautonomous NLSE hierarchy and reversible transformations, Optik 247 , vol.167928, 2.443, [2021], https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijleo.2021.167928

  • M.L. Chithambo, J.M. Kalita, Phototransferred thermoluminescence of BeO: Time-response profiles and mechanisms, Journal of Applied Physics , vol.130, 195101, [2021], https://doi.org/10.1063/5.0067758

  • S Nandy and A Barthakur, Dark-bright soliton interactions in coupled  nonautonomous nonlinear Schrödinger equation with complex potentials, Chaos,  Solitons and  Fractals , vol.143, 110560, [2021]

  • G. C. Wary, M Patgiri ,A. Barthakur , K. Boruah , J. J. Das ,V. M. Datar , B. Jyrwa , P. C. Rout , S. Santra , D. Sarma ,N. Nimai Singh, Developing a Discovery Class Particle Accelerator Facility at Cotton University” by CUPAC* - North East Collaboration, Proceedings of the DAE Symp. on Nucl. Phys. , vol.65, 760, [2021]

  • G. C. Wary, M Patgiri, A. Barthakur, K. Boruah, J.J. Das, V. M. Datar, B. Jyrwa, P. C. Rout, S. Santra, D. Sarma,N. Nimai Singh, Proposed accelerator facility for fundamental and applied sciences by CUPAC (Cotton University Particle Accelerator Centre)-North East, Proceedings of the DAE Symp. on Nucl. Phys. , vol.65, 5, [2021]

  • Yusuke Yamane Rahul Mahanta P. V. Rajesh and B. N. Goswami, Impact of climate change on North-East India (NEI) summer monsoon rainfall, Climatic Change volume 164, Article number: 2 (2021) , [2021]

  • Jitu Mani Kalita, Şule Kaya Keleş, Gaye Ö. Çakal, George S. Polymeris, Thermoluminescence and optically stimulated luminescence properties of ulexite mineral, Journal of Luminescence 230:117759, 2021 , [2021]

  • A.J. Lontsi Sob, Makaiko Chithambo, Jitu Mani Kalita, Analysis of illumination-time-dependent profiles of phototransferred thermoluminescence of Al2O3:C,Mg, Journal of Luminescence 230:117721, 2021 , [2021]

  • Jitu Mani Kalita and Makaiko Chithambo, Blue- and infrared-light stimulated luminescence of microcline and the effect of optical bleaching on its thermoluminescence, Journal of Luminescence, Vol 229, 117712, 2021, , [2021]

  • Jaidev Harjwani; Mridula Baro; Sundara Ramaprabhu , Nitrogen-Containing Tubular Hollow Carbon Frameworks: A Nongraphitic Carbon for a Robust Room Temperature Hydrogen Gas Sensing Application, IEEE Sensors , vol.5, [2021], https://doi.org/10.1109/LSENS.2021.3050259

  • B Boro, AK Nath, M Barthakur, P Kalita, Synthesis and characterization of MgO nanoparticle and its in vitro cytotoxic effect on erythrocytes, Advances in Bioprocess Engineering and Technology, pg. 199-207 , [2021]

  • M Dutta, JM Kalita, G Wary, Optical processes and apparent increase of optical band gap in Y2O3: Eu2+ nanoparticles synthesised by a gradually-heated solution combustion method, Optik 240, 166946 , [2021]

  • JM Kalita, MP Sarma, G Wary, Electrical conductivity and X-ray sensing properties of TiO2: Cr thin film synthesised by chemical bath deposition method, Thin Solid Films 726, 138656 , [2021]

  • Biplab Sarkar and Prasad Basu, Biplab Sarkar and Prasad Basu, “Solution of Lagrange’s equation of motion from the first principle for volumetric modulated arc therapy delivery”, Health and Technology, 2021,, Health and Technology, 11, 677–680 (2021) Springer , [2021]

  • S Nandy, GK Saharia, S Talukdar, R Dutta, R Mahanta, Even and odd nonautonomous NLSE hierarchy and reversible transformations, Optik (247) 167928 , [2021]

  • S Nandy, Gautam K. Sahariah, A Barthakur, Generalized reversible transformations and new nonautonomous higher order Nonlinear   Schrödinger equation, Optik , vol.223, 165452, [2020]

  • Sudipta Nandy and Abhijit Barthakur, Dark-bright soliton interactions in coupled nonautonomous nonlinear Schrödinger equation with complex potentials, Chaos, Solitons and Fractals (Elsevier) 143 110560 (2021) , [2020]

  • Sudipta Nandy, Gautam K Sahariah, Abhijit Barthakur, Generalized reversible transformations and new nonautonomous higher order Nonlinear Schrödinger equation, Optik (Elsevier), 223, 165452 (2020) , [2020]

  • P. J. Borah, V. Venugopal, J. Sukhatme, P. Muddebihal, B. N. Goswami, Indian monsoon derailed by a North Atlantic wavetrain, Science, Vol 370, Issue 6522, pp. 1335, 2020 , [2020]

  • F Ahmed, BB Hazarika, D Sarma, Axial Symmetry Cosmological Constant Vacuum Solution of Field Equations with a Curvature Singularity, Closed Time-Like Curves, and Deviation of Geodesics, Advances in High Energy Physics , [2020]

  • Priyanka Kumar and Mahadev Patgiri, Minimal extended seesaw and group symmetry realization of two-zero textures of neutrino mass matrices, Nuclear Physics B , Volume 957 C (2020) , [2020]

  • J.M.Kalita and M.L.Chithambo, Structural, compositional and thermoluminescence properties of microcline (KAlSi3O8), Journal of Luminescence Volume 224, 117320, 2020 , [2020]

  • International Journal of Polymer Analysis and Characterization 25 (8), 597-603, Ionic liquid-based novel polymer electrolytes: electrical and thermal properties, AK Nath, R Talukdar , [2020]

  • D. Das Abu M. P. Hussain, "Effect of molarities on structural and optical properties of type-II heterostructure CdS/PbS core/shell quantum dot", App. Phys. A, 2019 125(12), 826. , [2019]

  • Sudipta Nandy, Abhijit Barthakur, Pairwise three soliton interactions, soliton logic gates in coupled nonlinear Schrödinger equation with variable coefficients, Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation (Elsevier), 69 370-385 (2019) , [2019]

  • Mahadev Patgiri, Priyanka Kumar, Understanding of two-zero textures of neutrino mass matrices in minimal extended seesaw mechanism and their symmetry realization, International Journal of Modern Physics A 34(11):1950059 , [2019]

  • Rahul Mahanta, Yusuke Yamane, Climatology of local severe convective storms in Assam, India, International Journal of climatology, https://doi.org/10.1002/joc.6250 , [2019]

  • S Nandy and A Barthakur, Pairwise three soliton interactions, soliton logic gates in coupled nonlinear Schrödinger equation with variable coefficients,, Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation , vol.69, 370-385, [2019]

  • R. Sabarish, N. Suriyanarayanan, J.M. Kalita, M.P. Sarma, G. Wary, V. Kheraj, Sampat G. Deshmukh, ‘Influence of molar concentration and temperature on structural, optical, electrical and X-ray sensing properties of chemically grown nickel-bismuth-sulfide (NixBi1-xS2) thin films’, Material Science-Poland (Sciendo) 36 (2018) 675–684 , [2018]

  • Sukanta Deb, Chow-Choong Ngeow, Shashi M. Kanbur, Harinder P. Singh, Daniel Wysocki; Subhash Kumar, Geometry of the Large Magellanic Cloud using classical Cepheid Multi-wavelength Photometry, MNRAS, 478, 2526 (2018) , [2018]

  • M.P. Sarma, J.M. Kalita, G. Wary, X-ray sensing performance of ZnS:Cr film synthesised by a chemical bath deposition technique, Sensors and Actuators A: Physical (Elsevier) 276 (2018) 328–334 , [2018]

  • R Sabarish, N Suriyanarayanan, J M Kalita, M P Sarma and G Wary, Investigation on growth, structural, optical, electrical and X-ray sensing properties of chemically deposited zinc bismuth sulfide (ZnxBi2−xS3) thin films, Materials Research Express (IOP), Volume 5, Number 5 (2018) , [2018]

  • S Chakraborty, S Nandy, A Barthakur, Bilinearization of the generalized coupled nonlinear Schrödinger equation with variable coefficients and gain and dark-bright pair soliton solutions, Physical Review E , vol.91(2), 023210, [2015]

  • S Nandy, D Sarma, A Barthakur, A Borah, Hirota bilinearization of coupled higher-order nonlinear Schrödinger equation, Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation , vol.15(11), 3386-3389, [2010]

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Scholarly Resources

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