Dr. Mahadev Patgiri

Dr. Mahadev Patgiri


Ph.D. : Gauhati University

Research Interests:

Neutrino Physics ( Neutrino masses and mixings, seesaw mechanism, texture study of neutrino mass matrix), General Theory of Relativity ( closed time-like curve space- times, naked singularity)
Date of Joining : Sep 2, 1994

Phone: 9508056741
Email: mahadevpatgiri@cottonuniversity.ac.in

Vidwan Profile


Academic Records :

1. B. Sc (Physics), Gauhati University (1989),
2. M. Sc. (Physics), Gauhati University (1992)
3. Ph. D. (Physics), Guahati University (2008)

Academic Responsibilities/ memberships held :
1. Research Guide, Physics, Cotton University and formerly Gauhati University
2. Vice President, Physics Academy of North East(PANE), India
3. Editor (Science Section) : Research Journal of Contemporary Co, ncerns, ISSN 0972-7922, published by Cotton College Research Council since 2005 till 2016
4. Life member of (i) Astronomical Society of India (ASI), (ii) Physics Academy of North East(PANE)

Administrative Responsibility:
1. Officer on Special Duty to Cotton College State University, an additional charge detailed by Government of Assam in Higher Education Department, 2013-17
2. Academic Registrar (i/c) from time to time during 2017-18

Research paper publications till 2021

Journal Publications:

1. Priyanka Kumar and Mahadev Patgiri, Minimal Extended Seesaw and Group Symmetry Realization of Two-zero Textures of Neutrino Mass Matrices, Nuclear Physics B, 957(2020) 115082

2. Mahadev Patgiri and Priyanka Kumar, Understanding of Two-Zero Textures of Neutrino Mass Matrices in Minimal Extended Seesaw Mechanism and their Symmetry Realization, International Journal of Modern Physics A, 34(11), 2019, 1950059

3. Mahadev Patgiri, Priyanka Kumar and Debojit Sarma, Study of texture zero of fermion mass matrices in minimal extended seesaw mechanism and symmetry realization, International Journal of Modern Physics A, 34(11), 2017, 1750168

4. Discovery of a Red Quasar with Recurrent Activity, S. Nandi, R. Roy, D.J. Saikia, M Singh, H. C. Chandola, M Baes, R. Joshi, G Gentile and M. Patgiri
Journal : The Astrophysical Journal (APJ), 789:16, (2014)

5. Debojit Sarma, Mahadev Patgiri and Faiz Uddin Ahmed  Pure radiation metric with stable closed time-like curves,   General Relativity and Gravitation, (2014)

6. Debojit Sarma, Mahadev patgiri and Faiz Uddin Ahmed, A vacuum space-time with closed null geodesics Annals of physics 329 (2013) 179-184

7. N N Singh, H Zeen Devi, Amal Sarma and Mahadev Patgiri, Discrimination of neutrino mass models, Indian Journal of Physics, 84(6),2010, 751-755

8.  Mahadev Patgiri, Mrinal Kumar Das, N. Nimai Singh, Discriminating neutrino mass models using Type II seesaw formula,
Pramana – Journal of physics, 66 (2006), hep-ph/0406075

9.  Mahadev Patgiri and N. Nimai Singh New uncertainties in QED-QCD rescaling factors using quadrature method, Pramana – Journal of Physics 65 (2005) 1015, hep-ph/0406044

10.   Mrinal Kumar Das, Mahadev Patgiri, N. Nimai Singh, Numerical consistency check between two approaches to radiative correction for neutrino masses and mixings Pramana – Journal of Physics 65 (2005) 995, hep-ph/0407185

11.  Mahadev Patgiri and N. Nimai Singh, Inverted Hierarchical Model of Neutrino Masses Revisited Physics Letters B, Vol.567 (2003) 69-72, hep-ph/0306252

12. Mahadev Patgiri and N. Nimai Singh. LMA MSW Solution from the Inverted Hierarchical Model of Neutrinos, Indian Journal of Physics, 77A (3), 267-273 (2003), hep-ph/0112123

13. Mahadev Patgiri and N. Nimai Singh, Right-handed Majorana Neutrino Mass Matrices for Generating Bimaximal Mixing in Degenerate and Inverted Models of Neutrinos International Journal of Modern Physics A, Vol.18, No 5 (2003). hep-ph/0301254

14. N. Nimai Singh and Mahadev Patgiri. Bimaximal Mixings from the Texture of the Right-handed Majorana Neutrino Mass Matrix International Journal of Modern Physics A. Vol.17, No.25 (2002). hep-ph/0111319.

15. N. Nimai Singh and Mahadev Patgiri, Degenerate and Inverted Hierarchical Models of Majorana Neutrinos from Seesaw Mechanism. Indian Journal of Physics 76A (5) (2002) hep-ph/0204021

16. P Borgohain and Mahadev Patgiri, Matching of Friedmann-Lemaitre-Robartson-Walker and Kantowski Sachs cosmologies Indian Journal of Physics, 72A (4), 331-335 (1998)


Conference Papers:
1. Phenomenological study of texture zeros of fermion mass matrices in minimal extended
seesaw mechanism, Journal of Physics, Conference Series 1330(2019)

Authors: Priyanka Kumar and Mahadev Patgiri
2. Neutrino Mass Models with one vanishing minor under Z 8 cyclic group symmetry,
Proceedings of the National Conference, CICAHEP, 2015, 01,199-203 (e-version) published by
Dibrugarh University
Authors: Priyanka Kumar and Mahadev Patgiri


Chapters/Articles publications in Books (Research Oriented)

Book Chapters:
1. Study of texture zeros of M ν 4x4 in minimal extended seesaw mechanism , Springer Book Series
2020, Workshop on Frontiers in High Energy Physics 2019, doi.org/10.1007/978-981-15-6292-1-
42 organized by IIT, Hyderbad, India
Authors: Priyanka Kumar and Mahadev Patgiri
2. Phenomenological study of two zero textures of neutrino mass matrices in minimal extended
seesaw mechanism (3+1 framework), Springer Book Series, (accepted for publication)
Authors: Priyanka Kumar and Mahadev Patgiri
3. Symmetry realization of three zero textures in the 4x4 neutrino mass matrix, Recent Advances
in Physics Research and its Relevance, ISBN 978-93-86256-85-0
Authors: Priyanka Kumar and Mahadev Patgiri

Research Scholars

Sl. No Name Research Topic Roll No
1 Sangeeta Dey (DST Inspire Fellow) Neutrino physics
2 Raktima Kalita Phenomenological study of particle physics